
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

Thank You Notes. . .or not to thank

What has happened to writing thank you notes? Honestly, does it take that much time to write two or three sentences to express your gratitude and appreciation.

I was taught to say thank you and write thank yous, thanks to 4-H. Every year when the county fair had ended and my family had recovered from the week long festitivies, I would sit down with my stationary, writing utensils, and postage. Thus the hand cramps started. I didn't stop writing until I was finished. I even wrote thank yous to family members.

One of the best thank you notes I ever received was from a fellow 4-H member. It was her final year of 4-H. She had tried for many years to win master showman in two species so she could compete in the Round Robin contest. Due to another 4-Her winning in two species, my second place had earned me the right to compete in the contest in the beef category. Knowing that I was in my 8th year of 4-H and had two more years to participate, I backed out and offered it to Denae. Twenty years later I can still recall her words of gratitude in her thank you note to me for I had given her the opportunity to finish her 4-H career on a high note ~ as winner of the Round Robin contest.

It's been that thank you note and several others I have received in my life that have reminded me of the importance of saying THANKS!

Where am I going with this. . .towards my soap box!!! 

We have been invited to nine, yes, nine weddings since May. One of my biggest pet peeves is not receiving a thank you in appreciation of a gift in a timely manner. There have been numerous times I have never received a thank you or it has been close to year before the thank you arrives, leaving me steamed and placing one "strike" against that happy couple. Of course, there have been some thank you notes that we received within 30 days of the wedding and there have been some that have been three months after the wedding, but thankfully seven have arrived on time. (The other two aren't married yet!)

But those I haven't received still linger in the back of my mind.

What is wrong with America?

Have we lost all ability to show any gratitude?

Are we too LAZY?

Don't tell me your pen is out of ink or you don't have a stamp. That's a copout!

I decided to investigate the etiquette of writing thank you notes. According to Miss Emily Post, the queen of etiquette, the happy couple does not have a year's grace period to write thank you notes. All thank you notes should be wrtten in three months of receipt of the gift. My personal belief is that this applies to any type of gift or act of random kindness.

So, get our your pens, stationary and stamps and write that thank you! Teach your children to say it, show it and write it!!

On this Thankful Thursday, I want to say THANK YOU to anyone has been generous or kind to my family. You act of kindness or gift was greatly appreciated!

Please and Thanks
More precious than gold in our nations banks
Are those little words known as
Please and Thanks
~ Unknown

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