
Monday, January 10, 2011

Miscellany Monday

1. Cleaning Toilets

I hate this part of cleaning. Loathe. Dislike. Detest. Abhor.
 It's even worse when you live in a house with three males.
Anyone else out there loathe this part of cleaning?

2. New Years Resolutions

I have never, in my life, made one.
This year I vow to read four non-fiction books.
Educate myself.
First book - Empire of the Summer Moon, a story about Quanah Parker
and the rise and fall of the Comanches, the most powerful Indian
What's your New Years Resolution?

3. National Western Stock Show

I am missing the stock show this year.
I don't like missing the stock show.
Anyone have room in a suitcase for me?

4. Date Night

My SO and I had date night Friday night.
Watched True Grit in the theater.
Saturday night...watched John Wayne's True Grit.
Have you seen both and do you know how many differences there are?
I'm reading the book next.

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. I am working on reading a lot more too. I really like motivational books and biographies. Maybe we'll need to do a book exchange. I hate borrowing from the library because I love to attack them with my highlighter.

    Sad you won't be in Denver, you'll have to follow along on my blog for some updates.
