
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thankful Thursdays

Fiften years ago this week........

It was a chilly Sunday afternoon and So and I had gone home to my parents house to celebrate my sister's birthday. Dad was outside grilling steaks and my sister and I were helping my mom prepare lunch. So went out to help dad with grilling and struck up a "man conversation".

Withint 10 minutes, So and my dad popped back in the house. So made sure my mom and sister were in the kitchen and he kneeled down on one knee and popped the question.....

No, he didn't ask me if I'd me if I'd cook and clean and keep his house for him!

He asked me to become his wife. And the rest is history.

I still remember the day we went shopping for a wedding ring.

I still remember the day he asked me to marry him.

I still remember our honeymoon. We drove to Montana and stayed in six different hotels during our drive to and from the Big Sky state. I still remember asking So if we had "handicap" written on our foreheads. Of the six hotels we lounged at, we were give four handicap rooms!!!

I still remember the day I told I was expecting. And I remember the day we brought Bugs home from the hospital. It was the same day we started building our house.

I still remember the day I told him I was expecting, again. And I vividly remember cussing him that day for the baby would be due the week of our annual production sale. I also remember the day we brought Squirrel home from the hospital - a week before our production sale.


Lots and lots of memories with my So.

I'm so thankful for those memories....fifteen years of memories and plenty more to come.


Don't forget to link up!

Thankful Thursdays

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