
Monday, March 14, 2011

Hunk of Meat Monday: Beef Brisket

When the word brisket is mentioned at our house, the people start salivating like Pavolov's dogs. It's insane!

I love cooking a brisket and I don't think enough people give it a fair shake. Nothing tastes as good as a slow cooked brisket. Give it a try, you might be surprised. And people might start act strangely!

If you have your own personal beef butchered, make sure you tell the locker processing it to save the brisket. Most lockers will not save the brisket, but process it into hamburger.

You should have a majority of the ingredients in your pantry and refrigerator to make this brisket.

The kosher salt is a must! Rub the salt into both sides of the meat and don't be afraid to use a little extra. The salt adds so much flavor to this dish.

And don't worry about your cholestrol or high blood pressure either. We are all going to die of something, right?

Mmmmmm, the brisket before covering and placing in the over.  Don't forget to place it with the fat side up.

The finished product sitting on the cutting board, waiting to me sliced and served to the those that are running around my house salivating!

The finished product. Yummo!



  1. Girlfriend, nothing is better than a good brisket. Love it. Love all the hot sauce in the picture too.

  2. Hi Jill,
    We just love beef brisket and eat it a lot in the summer when we put it in the smoker. Your recipe looks very good. Thank you for sharing and have a nice week!
