
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thankful Thursdays: Puppies

Puppies, puppies and more puppies.

Get your orders in now.

Not only one litter of puppies due in April, but two.

Yes, TWO litters of puppies.

And yes, we are crazy, insane, nuts, whatever you want to call it!

Meet the father - Tiger. He's an Australian Shepherd.
Good worker - especially with cattle.

Momma #1 - Katie - Red Heeler.
Not your normal heeler. Not hard headed at all.
Very loving.
There are already five requests for puppies.
Supply may be limited.

Momma #2 - Sally. Jack Russell.
Very laid back for a Jack. Loyal. Hates mice and rats and cats.
Yes, we are aware that she is much smaller than the father.
We have consulted experts and the puppy size is determined by the mother. We are ok.
Although I'm not sure what these puppies will be called..... Shepherd Jacks, Aussie Jacks, Aussie Russells??
Your suggestions are welcome. Oh and not a single one of these puppies has been spoken for.

We LOVE puppies!

But I'm not sure we'll like the dog food bill!


1 comment:

  1. love your red heeler female! we have a 12 yr old male. he was our first child, and we love him dearly. and you and I still need to get together! by the way you are not on my list of followers for out blog. im very :)
