
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thankful Thursdays: Smoky Quartz

Call me callous.

Call me vain.

Call me materialistic.

But I have an obsession.

 I'm addicted to smoky quartz jewelry.

It's not my fault.....I was born to wear the color brown and love the color brown. Seventy-five percent of my clothing has brown tones. And now my jewels have brown tones.

Thanks to my mother-in-law.

Twice a year, she & my father-in-law go to Bozeman, Montana for Simmental board meetings. Each time she is there, she visits this great little shop in downtown Bozeman - Benjie's. All she ever talks about is the jewelry at Benjie's. The great deals. The beautiful stones. The one-of-a-kind settings.

A year ago, she asked me if there was anything I wanted. Brown - any kind of brown stone. Earrings, rings, pendants......I'm not picky.

This is what she came home with a year ago this past fall. My favorite - a smoky quartz ring.  I love it almost as much as I love my husband, my first born and my second born.

Did I mention that I have earrings that match it too!!

Then last fall, she brought me home a gorgeous pendant.

And matching earrings!!

I'm in love with Benjie's. In fact, this winter and called and ordered some more jewels sight unseen. I love my purchases, but you'll have to wait for a later post about those.

Next time you are in Bozeman or close to Yellowstone National Park, you MUST visit Benjie's.

Every girl needs a good piece of jewelry to love!