
Monday, May 30, 2011

Miscellany Monday: The Big Catch and a little more

My randomness for this hot, humid, sultry Monday.

1. The BIG Catch - the largest fish caught at my grandma Harrold's farm pond. A whooping 6.5 lb, 21 inch long small mouth bass. The littlest guy caught it!

2. Puppies - they are growing so quickly! Josie Phillips - here is your daddy's new puppy!

3. Hot temps - I like hot weather. Don't misunderstand me. I just don't like it 93 degrees on the 30th of May. If it is this warm on Memorial Day, what in the world will the 4th of July be like?

4. Memorial Day - Thank you to all the service men and women. I have my freedom to thank for your dedication to the United States of America.

Happy Memorial Day!

1 comment:

  1. I have never thought of myself as a girly-girl... but with 2 boys, I've never said, "Eewww!", "That's gross!" or "Nasty!" as many times I have in the past year... and they're still little. LOL Let the adventures begin, guess if I can't beat 'em, I'll just have to join 'em... :/
