
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rhubarb Season: Rhubarb Surprise Pie

I love rhubarb! I'll say it again.....I LOVE RHUBARB!!!

I could literally eat rhubarb in some form or another at every meal. In fact, I at a piece of this pie for breakfast this morning. Not gonna lie......I eat sweets for breakfast!

This recipe was given to me by my grandmother. She also gave me my first two rhubarb plants about ten years ago.  They are old plants that produce giant stalks of rhubarb each year.

The key to making this pie so wondeful......the strawberry jello.

Look at those beautiful stalks!

 Three cups chopped and ready to be placed in a 9 inch unbaked pie shell.

The key ingredient......strawberry jello.

The pie with the crumb topping.  You can barely see the strawberry jello that is peeking out from the edges.

Look how this is such a beautiful red color. See the tidbits of rhubarb and the wonderful crumb topping. Yum!!

 Well, that to get my second piece of pie for breakfast!

This is linked up to  Sweet As Sugar Cookies.

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