
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Yeah - a blogger award!

Thanks to a fellow "cattle" farm wife, over at Life on a Real California dairy farm, I am now a recipient of The Versatile Blogger award! Please check out the Durrece's family website!

The award doesn't come for free. The small price (aka rules) is that you have to thank the person who gave it to you, link back to their blog, and pass it along to other deserving bloggers.

Then you must reveal seven things about yourself. Seven things? Ugh? There are somethings I like to keep secret! Here goes!

1. I like cows! As if that is surprising. No, really. If I had room, I'd keep the bottle babies in my house during the winter. Hey - there's an idea for a room addition - a warm room! Angus first, second Simmentals,  and third Herefords.

2. I like to shop. I don't have anyone to really shop for besides myself....since I have sons. But that's okay.....just that much more to spend on me!

3. I love the, birds chirping, beautiful scenery, nature. I like it all!

4. When I retire, I want to live out west - Idaho, Oregon, or Wyoming. I love it out there. Life is so much slower and the scenery is 10 times better than in the midwest. Don't take me the wrong way, I like my corn rows, but after a while it all looks the same.

5. My rules about inappropriate language: Don't use it, it shows a lack of intelligence. IF you must use it, then don't use it at church, school or in front of ladies.  The only place it is okay is in the barn. 

6. I love to bake and like to cook.

7. I asked for legos for my 18th birthday present.

I am presenting this award to the following deserving bloggers:

Happy Blogging!