
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A shout out for blueberries!

I love summer and all the fresh fruits and veggies!  Blueberries, cherries, peaches, zucchini, squash, tomatoes.....and the list goes on and on.

Being a raised in Northern Indiana, I had the luxury of getting fresh fruit from Michigan.  Did you know that Michigan is the #1 producer of blueberries and cherries? 

The boys were visiting my parents over the weekend and knowing that blueberries are in season, I had my mom get me 10 lbs of blueberries from her local fresh produce retailer.  Guess we will be eating plenty of blueberries this week!

The first thing I fixed with my fresh blueberries were these yummy blueberry muffins! Trust me, they are nothing like a box and so much more delicious!

You should have all the necessary ingredients in your pantry or refrigerator- flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, eggs, veg. oil, milk, butter, and cinnamon.

First mix, all the dry ingredients and set aside.

Then mix pour the vegetable oil into a one cup measuring cup.  Add the egg, slightly beat it, trying to not make a mess. Then add enough milk to hit the 1 cup fill line - it's about 1/3 cup of milk.  Then pour the wet ingredients in with the dry.

Then, add your blueberries and gently fold into the batter.

Once that is done, then fill your muffin tins full.  I line my muffin tins with muffin cups.....these muffins can be a little challenge to remove from the pan without a cup holding them together!

Then make your crump topping and sprinkle over the muffins.

Pop into the oven and bake for about 20 minutes.


This recipe is linked up to Two Maids a Baking at Two Maids a Milking.


  1. Looks good - I will have to try it!

    My 8th grade teacher was from Trevor City Michigan which was (maybe still is?) the Cherry Capitol of the world - she would always tell us about it - especially when cherries were in season!

  2. Oh my those look good!! Love the topping! Thanks for linking up to 2 Maids a Baking!!

  3. I just froze 10 lbs. of blueberries last week. I have an awesome Paula Deen recipe, but it doesn't have the crumb topping like yours does (which is the best part!). I'll have to try yours out. Yum!

  4. This recipe looks really good! It would be great if you came over to Cast Party Wednesday tomorrow and shared some of your recipes.
    I hope to see you there!

  5. these look so good so many great blueberries have been used
