
Sunday, October 23, 2011

To be Grumpy or Grumpier

Squirrel is on a movie kick lately.

No Tom & Jerry, no Scooby Doo, no Bugs Bunny.

Squirrel has moved on to more mature viewing.  After an 18 hour round trip ride to and from Oklahoma, I can understand why 15 minute cartoons simple don't cut it anymore.

It's his taste that has us concerned - Jack Lemmon & Walter Matthau.

His latest addiction has been Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau.  He can't get enough of Grumpy Old Men and Grumpier Old Men.  What 6 year old can sit still for 120 minutes?  My six year old.

For years we have said that Squirrel had a 60 year old man trapped inside his body....and now I believe it.

We laid over in St Louis on our way to Oklahoma. We hopped in the truck to head south on a rather chilly morning.  We were all buckled in and Squirrel says, "It's colder than a witches @#$!"  

My jaw hit the floor.

"And just where did you hear that?" I demanded.

"Grumpy Old Men....."

"Well don't say that in kindergarten!"

"Well, duh mom. I know things like that will get my in trouble! It's just a figure of speech!"

Squirrel then proceeded to tell me that he would not call any of his friends a schmuck, putz,  or moron like they did in the move.  And that he wouldn't name all of the Hawaiian islands either.

Dear me, how many times has he watched these moves?!?!?

I admit it. I need to be a better parent and monitor what my children watch but on the other hand, it was just a "figure of speech". Squirrel didn't mention anything about killing anyone or setting someone's house on there are worse things I could let him watch.

Thanks to Jack and Walter for educating my children on what they will be like when they are 60!