
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Miscellany Monday

Here are my random musings on this dreary, rainy Monday.

1. I love cattle shows.....but I hate the laundry that comes with it.  So and I just spent eight days on the road at the North American Livestock Expo showing cattle. It was a great trip for us.....kind of.  The good part was breeding and exhibiting the 2011 NAILE Grand Champion Percentage Bull and exhibiting a Reserve Division Female in the Purebred Simmental Show.  The bad part......the Louisville Crud!  It was also Bugs' first time showing at the North American.  A proud moment for all of us.

2. Christmas - My Christmas shopping is 90% completed. YEAH!!!   This is the earliest I have ever had my shopping started.

3. Squirrel & Bugs -  I need to send a shout out to the photographer that took the boys' pictures - Aleah Tedder.  She did a great job.  This is a sneak peek.

4. Thanksgiving -  There are so many things I am thankful for this year.    Here is my list.....shortened.

The magic of cardiologists and heart surgeons.
The bond between a young boy and his heifer.
The joy of birth.
The innocence of children.
Our wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ

Happy Thanksgiving!

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