
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

School Breakfast: Quick and Easy Turnovers

I am always on the lookout for quick and easy breakfast meals for my boys.  Especially warm food recipes that don't require an abundance of time.....this is one thing this full time working mother does not have extra of.

My boys like turnovers, but Squirrel is not a big fan of cherries or apples. He is all about chocolate. 

I opened the door one morning, thinking I had turnovers on hand. Nope. No turnovers to be found. However, I did manage to locate a tube of crescent rolls.

I'm the kind of person who thinks better when she is stressed and short on time, than when I have an abundance of time to plan.   It's the fight or flight thing.

So, my flight system kicked in.  I knew I had chocolate chips, marshmallows, white chocolate chips, and raspberries in the fridge.  We were going to compromise and the boys were going to help.

These turnovers are so easy to make that there is no recipe.

Simply roll out the tube and leave two of the triangles together to form a rectangle. Take your finger.....that's Squirrel's finger above and press the seams toghether.

Then grab your favorite ingredients and fill each one. Here Bugs is putting about a tablespoon of milk chocolate chips and about a dozen marshmallows into a turnover. This is the Smores Special - as they called it.

I opted for something a bit more adventurous......raspberries and white chocolate. YUM! Squirrel and Bugs thought I was crazy and nuts!

Once you have your ingredients in, fold the bare half over and seal the edges.  Bake as directed on the crescent roll tube.

While they are baking, mix up a 1/2 c of powdered sugar and 1 tablespoon of water to form icing.  Add extra water if icing is too thick.

The boys and I thought about adding peach preserves or cherry jelly, but we were in a chocolate mood. Feel free to change these up with what excites you.



  1. Yum!! They sound so easy even can make them!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. These sound great! Can't wait to try them. I included them on my 25 quick meal ideas blog post!
