
Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Squirt Update

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a picture of Squirt and his story of being a premie in the cattle world.  Well, Squirt - as Bugs and Squirrel emphatically call him - is still alive and doing great. This little Aberdeen Angus bull calf five weeks old and weighs about 35 lbs. - or about as much as Katie - our 5 year old Red Heeler dog.

Squirt is growing and doing so great that he was moved out of the "warm" room, into a real pen in the barn. He can now sleep in the comfort of the warm barn or race through the door and get some fresh air.  Bugs and Squirrel love to sneak up to him at the gate of his pen and see if he'll come close for a sniff or a lick!  Most of the time he comes close and then darts off, bucking and kicking his heels.

Squirt will be in the barn for a few more weeks. He still need to grow more hair and put on another ten to twenty pounds before we will consider letting him be with the rest of the herd.

Stay tuned for more updates on Squirt!

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