Sunday, February 19, 2012

Instagram Week in Photos

I love Instagram!

Here is my week in photos from using Instagram on my Iphone. Follow me at djharker!

A sunny mirror image I took at a four way stop. The sun is gorgeous!

My favorite Valentines!!!

A little bit of cattle show history. Before cans of adhesive, we used to use Glycerine Soap to pull up the hair on a calf's legs.
I hated this stuff!!

Mr. Goose did not want to let us in the north side of our office building Friday morning. I think the look in his eyes says enough!  "Don't mess with me!"  He eventually left and disappeared.

The weather was so nice, that we turned our cows and calves out on the pasture for some exercise. Typically, we keep them locked up because of snow and ice, but not this year!  The girls were so excited that they got a little rowdy! Now they all need bathes!

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