
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The Three Ps. . .Painting, Peaches, and Perspiration

Life has been chaotic, hectic and crazy. . .but I consider that normal for summer break. This past weekend is a perfect example. We started construction on our house the day we brought our first born from the hospital. My home at the time was old, had beautiful woodwork, lacked a dish washer and didn't have room for a dryer, so it resided in the garage.

I was so estatic about not living with dishpan hands or having clothes that froze together because they didn't get quite dry, I wasn't concerned about the wall colors in my new house. I wanted in. . .I would paint later.

Well, eight years later, I'm finally getting the bulk of my house painted. Being an enthusiastic individual, I talked this head on. . .and am doing the painting myself. Am I nuts - some days. I like a challenge and that's what I took on. I'm providing a sneak peek. I'll upload pictures of the finished product in a week or so.

Peaches. . .one of my summer time favorites. The Harker house can't eat enough peach cobbler, peach batter cake or peach salsa. It's amazing how such a sweet, tart little fruit can come from such fuzzy, hairy skin. In celebration of peaches, I'm sharing my mother-in-laws recipe for Peach Batter Cake. You must fix it and serve it with fresh ice cream.

Peach Batter Cake

4 c. sliced peaches                                                                    1 ½ c boiling water

1 ½ c sugar 2 Tbsp cornstarch

6 Tbsp butter 1 ½ c sugar

3 c. sifted flour

2 tsp baking powder

½ tsp salt

1 ½ c milk

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9 X 13 pan and line with 4 c. peaches.

Cream together 1 ½ c sugar & butter. Sift dry ingredients. Mix dry ingredients & sugar and butter, alternating with milk. Spread batter evenly over peaches.

Combine 2 Tbsp. cornstarch and  1 1/2c. sugar and sprinkle over cake batter. Bring 1 1/2c water to a boil and pour over all. Bake for 1 hour.

BEWARE: This dish is noted for boiling over.

NOTE: This is great with blackberries, raspberries and black raspberries.

And on a final note. . .I love summer, but am over the 90 degree weather. I'm tired of being soaked after watering flowers for thirty minutes. I'm tired of washing smelly clothes. I'm tired of perspiring!!! This is how the Harker boys handle the heat! I hope you have all taken the time to do a little slip-n-sliding this summer!


  1. Your peach recipe sounds fantastic! I love grilling peaches to go with my steaks.

  2. Just made your peach batter cake and posted it on my blog. I linked back to your blog as well! Looks like you're having a fun summer. Enjoy!

  3. I need to find a peach truck to peachnap a bushel or two. Great recipe, thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks for linking this up to Sweets for a Saturday.
