
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Makin' Whoopie. . .

In honor of my adorable, handsome youngest son, who turns 5 today, I am going to talk about makin' whoopie. No, get your minds out of the gutter!!

I'm talking about WHOOPIE PIES!!  For those of you who have never had the sinful pleasure of devouring one of these scrumptious treats, let me paint a mental picture for you.

Picture a soft delicious cake-like cookie on the top, with loads of sweet frosting oozing out the middle and another decadent chocolate cake-like cookie on the bottom. Heaven. . .sweet, sweet heaven!

For 30 years my grandma, Mildred Harrold, has been perfecting her recipe for Whoopie Pies. My sister and I would look forward to them every Friday night we stayed all night at grandma & grandpa's house. And, if you are a childhood 4-H or cattle showing friend of mine, you have most likely tasted some of grandma's perfection on more than one occasion. She even changed the filling recipe to remove the eggs so we could eat them after a hot day of showing cattle. My late grandpa would spend hours sitting at the kitchen table wrapping these delicious morsels just so he could hear his grandchild purr like a cat! My cousin could eat four to five whoopie pies for dessert during Thanksgiving!

Well, the obsession has hit the next generation! Now my children can't get enough of great-grandma's Whoopie Pies!! What did my youngest child want for a birthday cake last year - whoopie pies! And what did he ask for tonight - whoopie pies!

This is it. A one time opportunity to makin' whoopie. The recipe for Mildred Harrold's infamous Whoopie Pies!

Mildred Harrold’s Whoopie Pies

1 c shortening (Crisco) 
 4 c flour
2 c sugar
1 c cocoa
2 eggs
2 tsp salt
1 c sour milk
1 c hot water
2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp baking soda

Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs and beat until well blended. Add milk & vanilla and mix well. Then flour, salt and cocoa. Add the soda to the hot water and mix well. Then add to dough mixture.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Drop by teaspoons onto ungreased cookie sheet. Bake for 5 to 10 minutes.


4 c powdered sugar
2/3 c Crisco, softened
7 Tbsp milk (may need more)
1 tsp vanilla

Mix all together.

Spread filling on one cookie and place another on to form a sandwich. Wrap in saran wrap.

I hope that each of you have fun makin' a little whoopie! I look forward to your feedback!

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