
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Thankful Thursdays

Thankful Thursdays. . .

Some people are thankful for Thursday because it signals only one more day left in the work week. Some are thankful because it means the season premier of Grey's Anatomy. Some people are thankful because it means only one more day of school.

I'm taking a new twist to Thankful Thursdays. It seems as though so many of us are taking for granted the small things in life. Family, health, employment are just a few that come to mind. We have become too consumed with gossip, money, and fame.

With my first edition of Thankful Thursdays, I hope that it brings you back to reality and reminds you to reflect on the little things in life. I hope you take the time to thank God for your health, to thank your husband for helping with the dishes, to thank a co-worker for getting lunch, or to take a minute to just says Thanks!

This is becoming a regular scene during harvest in Indiana. I'm thankful it hasn't happened to anyone I know. I am thankful that there hasn't been the loss of life. But I would be most thankful if the Dear Lord would grant us some significant precipitation!

I love fall! I was born in the fall and it has become my favorite season. There are so many things about fall I love - the colors, the weather, the smells, football, jumping into a pile of leaves, mums & asters, carving pumpkins and trick-or-treating. The one item that I am most thankful for during the fall season. . apples! I love apple pie, apple dumplings, apple bread, fresh apples, and apple cider. Who can't resist a fresh picked apple!!

Finally, I'm so thankful for my family. These three men are the loves of my life! They are the last thing I think about as I fall asleep and the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning. They fill my days with laughter, drama, entertainment, and growing pains. We grow and learn together each and every day and I thank God for being so blessed with such a wonderful family.

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