
Monday, March 28, 2011

Hunk of Meat Mondays: Pepsi Pork Chops

This is a great recipe for working mothers. Why? It calls for a slow cooker!

I'm not sure how my grandmother taught school for 35 years and functioned without a slow cooker!

 Pepsi Pork Chops - before cooking

This recipe is about as easy as it gets - meat and liquid.

In fact, my sons could cook this meal.

Add the chops.

Mix the soups and soup mix.

Add the Pepsi and chicken broth.

Turn the cooker on to the appropriate temperature and time.

Go to work.

Come home.

Boil some white rice.

Serve supper.

It's that easy!


  1. I agree, how did people survive with a crock pot? Love this recipe. Might throw it in for our evening meal. Needing something quick to do before I walk out the door.

  2. This would be a great recipe to link up to THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS; the theme this week is "SURPRISE INGREDIENT" (What can you hide in your recipe) Please come on over and link up....

  3. I have pork chops in hte freezer and most of those ingredients in my pantry. I am going straight to the freezer and taking out the pork chops so I can make this in a couple of days. I love quick and easy crock pot meals. It is so handy to come home to a good meal after a long day at the office.

  4. Thanks so much for coming back and linking up to THIS WEEK’S CRAVINGS.

    We would like to invite you back next Monday for a new theme “Husband’s Cook”; so if you have a post already or want to get your significant other in the kitchen this week, next week’s linky party is gonna be loads of fun, I know I can’t WAIT to see what my “non-cooking husband is gonna make”!
