
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fruit Delight - So Delightful

Last summer, my family and I visited our wonderful Polish friend in Idaho. (She's really not polish, we just tease her about her last name.) We visited Yellowstone National Park and spent some wonderful days visiting the west. Squirrel and Bugs were speechless. They didn't know a country without corn fields but with beautiful mountains and wildlife existed.

While there, we cooked a delicious meal for a small gathering. Those attending brought desserts. This wonderful lady made the easiest, most delicious fruit dessert. The recipe is so simple and won't believe it to be true.

The first key ingredient - fruit. Fruit of any kind. Whatever you are in the mood for - berries, bananas, mango, kiwi, grapes, etc.

The second key ingredient - a box of instant coconut cream pudding. The third and fourth key ingredients - one container of Cool Whip and some buttermilk.

Follow the directions and you'll end up with this wondeful Fruit Delight.


  1. Sounds really good!
    I love the picture of the cows as well.

  2. Looks like a great recipe and a great trip out west.

  3. YUM - that looks delicious, Jill! Thanks so much for linking up to our Recipe Round-Up today. We're always excited to discover a new blog and yours looks fun. :)

  4. Hi Jill,
    We just love fruit salad and your recipe looks great. Congratulations again on your feature today. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday and hope to see you next week!

  5. Looks great!! Now you have me thinking about how to create this Dairy Free..

    Wanted to invite you to share this recipe(and others) at a weekly event I host titled Seasonal SUndays ( dedicated to of course Recipes including Seasonal Ingredients (it happens each sunday)

    Hope you have a wonderful thursday!

  6. What a sweet treat to have. Mouth watering delight, I say. :)

    I'm hosting a wonderful tea sampler GIVEAWAY! Come check it out when you have time.

