
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Thankful Thursday: Boys and Their Chicks

It's mother's purgative to brag about her children. Especially her young men and their new chicks.

Seriously, what mother wouldn't want to brag when their kids want to bring home chicks like this?

What mother can resist a face like this with a chick this cute?

And this.......look at the love.

Yes, Squirrel and Bugs have a new project. Raising Guineas! They had full grown guineas several years ago. However, the resident Border Collie was a little hard on the birds.  Well, both boys had a little money saved up and wanted more guineas.

The resident dog has been relocated and Squirrel and Bugs have a new responsibility.

I love projects like this. Squirrel & Bugs bought the guineas, the feed, the feeder, the bedding and the waterer. Mom and dad covered the housing, heat lamp and electricity. They are in charge of all chores and bedding duties. Their goal is to have at least 7 of the 10 guineas live. Then Squirrel and Bugs hope to turn them loose so they can feed on the corn the cows drop on the ground.

I'm proud of my boys.

A good investment.

Money well spent.

My boys can bring home hot chicks like this anytime!!

On this Thankful Thursday, as a parent, what are you proud of your children for doing or accomplishing? Link up and share your boys and their hot chicks!
Thankful Thursdays

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