
Monday, May 16, 2011

Hunk of Meat Monday: Bacon Bourbon Beans

I love these beans. It's their robust flavor that hooked my children on beans. They won't eat beans out of a can anymore. Most of the ingredients you have in your pantry. They are a great addition to any burger, brat or dog.

Look at the bits of bacon and tomato with the delicious sauce!

You should have a majority of the ingredients in your pantry.

Dice the bacon and throw it in the pan. No need to worry about the grease because.......

The whiskey is going to burn it off!!

Love Pendleton Whiskey, but it's not sold in the midwest. Have to travel west to get it. It's a must try - ten times better than Crown Royal.

Just throw everything in the pan, stir and simmer for 5 to 10 minutes. Yummy!


  1. Yum - looks good!! I have never heard of that brand of whiskey - I'll have to try it!

  2. Yummy! So, do flame the whiskey??? Where is the picture of that? Thanks for linking up to Hunk of Meat Monday.
