
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rhubarb Season: Raspberry Rhubarb Crunch


Of course, not everyone develops a taste for this tart and tangy morsel.  That's fine with me and my family. We love it!

This recipe is simple and easy. I keep frozen raspberries on hand this time of year.

All you need is a flour, sugar, brown sugar, salt, tapioca, quick cooking oats, butter and cornstarch.

Look at those beautiful pink and red stalks. Squirrel likes to eat it raw. You should see his facial expressions. Talk about making a person pucker!

Chop the rhubarb into 1/2 inch pieces and mix it in a large bowl with the raspberries.

Gently toss those with the tapioca, sugar and cornstarch. Place them in a greased 9 X 13 pan. Start on your crunch topping - brown sugar, flour, quick cooking oats and butter.

The crumb topping. I could eat this stuff out of the bowl!!

Serve this warm with vanilla ice cream! Yum!

I would invite you over to enjoy dessert, but my family doesn't share very well - especially rhubarb!

Stay tuned for another rhubarb recipe this week!


  1. When we were kids, my mom had rhubarb in our garden and would make the most amazing rhubarb pie! I would love to try your crunch - it looks like the perfect breakfast treat! Hey.... it's got fruit and oats, right?! ;)

  2. Yum!! I want to plant rhubarb at our house and this makes we want to do it ASAP!! Looks really good!

    Sarah from The House That Ag Built

  3. Up until last week I didn't even know what rhubarb was. Then we visited an organic farm that grew it. I didn't order any because I wasn't sure what you'd use it in, but it's gonna be on my next order for sure!! This looks delicious!! I would love to see more recipes!! Thanks for posting this!! :o)

    Sarah Kate @

  4. P.S. I really like how you describe yourself in your About Me section up there!! How cool to be a 7th generation cattle farmer! The people who own the farm across the street from us have 500 acres and do the same thing. Looks like a very fun lifestyle!! :o)
